The Charter of Partnerships and Engagement

The Charter of Partnerships and Engagement sets out principles for improving the way the APS puts people and business at the centre of policy, implementation and delivery.

By realising the aspirational principles of the Charter of Partnerships and Engagement, the APS will: 

  1. meet the Government’s commitment to genuine partnership and engagement in policy-making and service delivery with the public
  2. instil public trust and transparency in government institutions and processes and embed integrity in public service culture and behaviour
  3. build on current best-practice frameworks for partnership and engagement and inform the development of future frameworks
  4. work across and within the APS, to genuinely partner and engage with all people, communities, non-government sectors, academia and industry. 

When developing policy and delivering services, the APS will strive to :

  1. Be open: Be open to engaging with a diverse range of perspectives to inform policy and program development, so those affected can have a genuine opportunity to have their say. 
  2. Be responsive: Be willing to try new approaches to make sure engagements are fit for purpose, culturally appropriate, adaptable and outcomes-focused. 
  3. Be transparent: Build trust by acting with integrity, being open and honest about expectations, roles, responsibilities, limitations, objectives and processes. 
  4. Be accountable: Share information, take responsibility for commitments made and inform people and communities on how they contributed to the final decision. 
  5. Be informed: Underpin decision-making with the effective and ethical use of data, research and insights, informed by lived experience, history and context.
  6. Be collaborative: Encourage and build relationships through respectful collaboration, and partner with communities, businesses, academia, industry and other sectors, to achieve the best outcomes.
